

Project Proposal

 Jack Palmer
Project Title
 Final Major Project - Year 2
Unit No
Section 1: Rationale/Review (Level 2 approx 50 words, Level 3 approx 100 words)
So far on this course, I have created a visual and print advert, a documentary, a music video, a short film, a radio drama and a website. When creating most of these forms of media, I have heavily relied on plot lines and characters to convey a meaning to an audience. For my final major project, the way an audience perceives a plot line and character is very important.
Section 2: Project Concept (Level 2 approx 100 words, Level 3 approx 200 words)
For my final major project, I plan to create another short film. I will make sure the plot line for my short film is very much character-based. I will get inspiration for my short film by researching into different film, television and theatre productions based around plot lines about characters and their relationships with each other. This research will help me because I will be inspired by the storylines, characters, settings for when I write my own script. Over the 10 weeks I have to complete this project, I will conduct a period of research into relationship dramas and use inspiration from these dramas to write my own relationship drama.
Section 3: Evaluation (Level 2 approx 50 words, Level 3 approx 50 words)
Over the course of my final major project, I will conduct an ongoing evaluation of my work by keeping a diary, tracking the successes and challenges of each stage of the project. While this strategy will help me document my decisions at each stage of the project, it will also help me write my evaluation at the end of the project.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

  • The Thunder Girls. 2019. [play] Directed by J. Branagh. Manchester: Lowry Theatre. 
  • Black Eyed Susan. 2017. [film] Directed by N. Rowntree. Hertfordshire: Out of Townley Productions.
  • Liar. 2017-2020. [TV programme] Directed by J. Strong and S. Donovan. London: ITV.
  • Jarvis, P., 2013. The Essential TV Director's Handbook. 2nd ed. Burlington, Massachusetts: Focal press, pp.1-5.

Project Plan

Project Action Plan and Timetable
Date Week
Activity / What you are intending to do -
including independent study
Resources / What you will need to do it -
including access to workshops
9/3/20 Pitch for One More Time
2 16/3/20
(Assessment week)
Research - Week 1
Research into the target audience of melodrama and the subjects I plan to portray in my film

3 23/3/20 Research - Week 2
Research into the film and the play that I proposed to study. Conduct a survey?

4 30/3/20 Planning - Week 1
Complete the treatment for One More Time

5 13/4/20 (Easter break) Planning - Week 2
Complete the script for One More Time

6 20/4/20 Planning - Week 3
Complete all planning documents

7 27/4/20 Filming - Week 1
8 4/5/20 Filming - Week 2
9 11/5/20 Filming - Week 3
10 18/5/20 Editing - Week 1

1126/5/20Editing - Week 2
121/6/20Evaluation - Week 1
138/6/20Evaluation - Week 2

Ideas of concepts for my short film

Idea 1: Life after Your Lover's Secrets
Life after Your Lover's Secrets is the sequel to the relationship drama that I made for my live multi-camera project, Your Lover's Secrets. The sequel would be set a few years after the events of the first film and it would show how each of the four characters have individually moved on with their separate lives after the events of the first film. 
  • Lucy has divorced Rob and is now a single mum raising a little boy, who she became pregnant with at the end of the first film. Her son is now two years old. 
  • Leah has fallen in love with another man called Daniel. They have got married and had a child.
  • Rob is struggling with his mental health in the aftermath of a messy divorce from Lucy, following his one night stand with Leah and the infertility secret he kept from Lucy during the first film.
  • Presumed dead at the end of the first film, David has been hiding away abroad but after a few years, he decides to return to meet the son he had with Lucy, during a one night stand in the first film, and to expose his wife Leah as a bigamist to her new husband Daniel.
After showing the audience where each character is a few years after the first film, all five characters meet again and a lot of old wounds are opened up.

Idea 2: Guys & Girls
Guys & Girls is a relationship comedy drama about three couples who are all friends and their relationships are struggling for their own individual reasons so they all visit a relationship guidance counsellor who separates the guys and the girls for one weekend. The film follows the close friendships between all the guys and all the girls respectively and how they each view their relationship issues.

Idea 3: Golden
Golden is a musical romcom, featuring a selection of songs from Kylie Minogue's 'Golden' album. The film is about two young college students, studying two completely different subjects, who bond over their love for music and singing. Whilst the main plot follows how the friendship between these two characters blossoms into a relationship as their love for the music gets stronger, there is a sub plotline that follows how together they form a group of mutual friends.

Idea 4: One More Time
One More Time is a relationship drama about three brothers. They haven't seen each other since there was a big argument and one of them fled the country, five years ago, However, when tragedy strikes one of them, he tries to make contact with him to solve the rift between them.

Idea 5: Jason & Rosie
Jason & Rosie is a teen romcom about two college students, studying completely different subjects, who have a chance meeting. From here, they develop a friendship that blossoms into a relationship as the film progresses. The film also follows the close friendships with their respective best friends.

Pitch Powerpoint

Pitch Video

Pitch Feedback

Upon reflection of the feedback I received during my pitch, I could've used my mood board to not only reflect upon the themes of my film, but also to reflect how the audience feels when they are watching the film. Additionally, I needed to give more detail of the plot line of my film. 

Why am I making this film?
I am making this film because I am fascinated by films that include plot lines that focus on the relationship between two characters and the various different politics that can be involved in their relationship.

Where will my film be screened?
My film will be screened as a one-off drama for the BBC because according to surveys conducted by BARB (British Audience Research Board), 11 of the top 25 most watched TV programmes, watched live by an audience in 2017 were BBC programmes including Doctor Foster, Match of The Day, The Apprentice and Blue Planet II.
