
What is a melodrama?
According to SlideShare, a melodrama is a sub-genre of drama that revolves around plotlines dealing with issues such as failed relationships or friendships, strained familial relationships, illness and tragedy. These plot lines are traditionally used to appeal to the audience's "heightened" emotions. 

Target Audience Demographic for a melodrama
  • Age = The average age of the people who would watch my film would most likely be younger people aged between 16-35 because the characters in my film will be young so therefore a younger audience would find it easier to relate to the characters than an older audience would.
  • Gender = The gender of the people who would watch my film could be both male and female because relationship dramas tend to appeal towards women's emotions. However, because the cast of my film will be dominated by males, my film may largely appeal towards a male audience because they may find the characters more relatable than a female audience would.
  • Income = The annual income for people watching my film would most likely be £15,000 because this is currently the National Living Wage per year. As I am targeting a largely young target audience, they may be yet to earn the top salaries.
  • Ethnicity = The ethnicity of people who watch my film will most likely be White British because according to, the majority of the UK's population is White British.
  • Country = Due to the location and the type of people featured in my film, the target audience for my film will be largely from the UK.

What is my content?
The content of my project will be a relationship drama revolving around the idea that an argument can lead to siblings becoming estranged from each other for years, how that estrangement could potentially affect their mental health and ultimately, how the siblings can come together again in a time of family crisis. Before writing the script, I will research into each of these subjects, in order to do all of these subjects justice within my film.

Research into topics I plan to portray

According to NHS Choices, depression is a feeling of persistent sadness over weeks and months, which is not caused by just one thing. Depression can occur for a variety of different reasons such as stressful life events or bereavement. I will use this research in my film by portraying a character who has spent years trying to come to terms with the estrangement of his brother, which in turn is affecting his mental health.

Sibling estrangement
According to Psychology Today, siblings can become estranged if they are unable to manage or resolve conflict in their relationship brought up by fighting. I will use this research by showing how the two main characters become estranged for many years after an argument.

Research into relationship-based drama

1). The Thunder Girls (Lowry Theatre, 2019)
The Thunder Girls is a stage play about a girl band, who were torn apart after one member betrayed them for fame. This betrayal led to the girls becoming estranged for 30 years, but then one member brings the band back together to settle their differences in preparation for a reunion gig at Wembley. Despite the years since the betrayal, there is still strong feelings of bitterness and jealousy between the girls. The plot for The Thunder Girls was a key inspiration for the plot line of my film because I was fascinated by the concept of a group of people being estranged for a long period of time, whether that be months, years or decades and then coming back together and exploring the reasons behind why they were estranged for so long. Therefore, in my own film, a large proportion of the plot of my film will revolve around the acrimony that the characters feel towards each other after many years estrangement.

2). Black Eyed Susan (Out of Townley Productions, 2017)
Black Eyed Susan is a short film about a woman who is suffering from depression and is trapped in her home by a teenage boy, who acts as the human embodiment of her depression and subjects her to a relentless ordeal of psychological abuse. Elements of the plot for Black Eyed Susan inspired me for my own film because I was fascinated by the impact an event or someone's actions can have on a person's mental health. Therefore, in my own film, a small proportion of the plot of my film will revolve around how one character has developed mental health issues as he struggles to deal with the loss of his brothers and the guilt he feels for his role in the situation.

3). Liar (ITV, 2017, 2020)
Liar is an ITV drama about the meeting of two people, which has consequences for both their friends and family. The fall out of their meeting spirals out of control, exposing the power of truth and deception. Elements of the plot for Liar inspired me for my own film because I was fascinated by the concept of how quickly a situation can change the relationships we have with the people around us. Therefore, in my own film, I plan to show how a dramatic situation can have a far-reaching impact on relationships between characters.

Research into TV drama directors
According to The Essential TV Director's Handbook by Peter Jarvis, television is a language of pictures, words, sound and music that every TV director needs. In drama, directors keep their cameras "constantly ducking and diving, panning and zooming", which allows the audience to feel engaged in the drama they're watching. 


  1. Replies
    1. TV drama directors e.g. soaps

      How they direct the actors?

      Google books


    3. Using the book suggested, I have written about TV directors and additionally, I have expanded upon my research into the three dramas


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